Ebola Outbreak in Kasese; Despite the ongoing allegations about the ebola outbreak in kasese, there is no threat to the travelling visitors and the local people with in the country.  Also the visitors that are planning future trips to Uganda should go ahead and book their tickets. The ministry of health and the world health organization have joined efforts and came up with strong shields to prevent the spread of the ebola virus to the other people in kasese and the entire country at large.

Ebola Outbreak in Kasese

The ministry of health Uganda and the world health organization came up with a clear confirmation concerning a case of the ebola outbreak in kasese, Uganda. Even though, there were a lot of earlier alerts about ebola in Uganda, however, this is the first confirmation of the disease in the country, since the outbreak of the same disease in Uganda’s neighboring country, the democratic republic of Congo.

It was shocking as the several media platforms linked the alerts of the ebola outbreak in kasese on Tuesday 11th June 2019 following the confirmation by the minister of health in Uganda, honorable Aceng Jane Ruth. The minister of health, hon. Aceng jane and the world health organization confirmed the case of ebola outbreak in Uganda and issued a press statement.

The ministry of health confirmed that a five year old child from the democratic republic of congo who had travelled with the parents or guardians, had entered the country through bwera border point of Uganda- congo border. The family realized that the child was sick, so they sought for medical care from the nearby Kagando hospital.

The health workers in the hospital realized the presence of Ebola symptoms on the child, immediately; the child was transferred to bwera Ebola treatment unit to get better experience, where he was given treatment till death. The confirmation of the presence of Ebola was made on Wednesday morning by the Uganda virus institute. However, according to the Uganda tourism board, the wide spread of Ebola case in Uganda completely has no direct chance to become a threat to any visitors within the country and those trying to visit the country.

The issue of ebola case in Uganda seems to be really isolated and under control basing on the sprouting indications. Besides what is just been done, Uganda has been preparing for such case in a long period since the first incident of ebola in the neighboring congo. A large number of health officers in over 165 health centers throughout the country were vaccinated; about 4700 health professionals.

However the question mark alerts are being signaled to the Uganda travel professionals including the tour operators, game rangers, national park managers, drivers among others. This has followed the report from an unknown operator with in the country on Wednesday morning, “it is not so good in Uganda after the confirmation of an Ebola victim death”.

What is Ebola?

Ebola virus is a severe illness or sickness that is easily spread through direct contact with the body fluids of any person suffering for it or a dead body; fluids include, vomit, stool, sweat, et cetera. The early symptoms of ebola are sudden and can include fever, fatigue, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. However, when the virus multiplies in the body, the patient might start passing out blood in the stool and cough blood as well.

The people, who have been involved in an accidental or unintentional contact with the person sick with ebola, are given a vaccine and asked to be monitored by professional health workers for 21 days to ensure that they do not become i’ll or infect other people.

 Counter attack the Ebola case in kasese

This is the strong hold for all the country and the visitors travelling with in Uganda that there are no loop holes in the measures put up to prevent the spread of the virus to the other parts of the country.

The ministry of health and the world health organization have dispatched an expeditious response unit or team to try and spot out the other people who may be standing a risk of getting infected with the virus and also make sure that they are well monitored and provided with the most appropriate health care, and medical treatment in case they become ill.

There is intensified monitoring in the facility where the child was being treated from. The health workers have also been given more training on how to recognize the early symptoms of Ebola. Plus, the Ebola treatment units have been multiplied in kasese district and also amplified with enough medical equipment to surpass any further case.

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