Best way to prepare for your next best birding adventure in Uganda
Best way to prepare for your next best birding adventure in Uganda: As the time for your planned safari closes in you start having mixed feelings. What to expect or want to park, how to prepare and what’s you need psychologically for your safari. This is especially difficult when you’re heading off to a whole different part of the World. But it’s not that different as if you were going to a nearby area. It’s just a few basics that you will add to your usual preparations. Here are some of the things you are to consider for your upcoming safari. Hopefully this way, I’ll remember all of these things!
Print a bird list. A lot of festivals, Audubon societies, etc. will give you bird lists. But just in case, find one online you can print. Plus, if you’re like me, you’ll want to take a look at some of the birds you might see!
Fashion doesn’t count. Pack for comfort and warmth, especially this time of year. I find that I’ll pack a huge bag full of clothing options, but end up wearing the same comfortable sweatshirt for a couple of days in a row.
Bring sunscreen. Just because it’s not the heat of the summer, doesn’t mean you can skip the SPF.
Don’t forget the essentials. The basics are easy to overlook. Make yourself a to-do list and include binoculars, field guide, chargers for electronics, a jacket, warm socks, rain gear.
Check the weather. While a 10-day forecast isn’t always going to be accurate, it doesn’t hurt to look at the forecast for the area you’ll be birding in. That way you’ll have an idea of exactly what type of clothing to bring and if hats and gloves will be necessary.
Invest in a bird-watching bag. Whether it’s a backpack or cross-body type thing, you’ll want something comfortable to hold water, extra clothing layers, field guides and snacks.
With all this said, you are good to go for your next birding adventure. All the best!