What to Consider while choosing a Safari accommodation!

What to Consider while choosing a Safari accommodation! Going on a safari is an exciting opportunity, one that takes you into the wild to explore the different aspects of the jungle and sight several animals that stay in the wild. But as exciting as this experience sounds, most travellers normally have a challenge of narrowing down to the best accommodation they will sleep and refresh in while on a safari. 

What to Consider while choosing a Safari accommodation!

This is not because there are no available accommodation facilities in the wild, but because the travellers cannot make a decision on what accommodation they shall use on their safari. 

And that’s the reason for this article; in this article we breakdown some of the many things you should consider while choosing a safari accommodation. 

It’s important to note that while choosing an accommodation facility; factors like your budget and your service expectations from the facility will be a great contributor to your choice of accommodation. 

But that said here are some of the factors to consider while choosing an accommodation for your safari.   

Proxy of the facility to the Game Park 

The top thing to consider while choosing a facility is how close the facility is to the game park you are visiting; the closer the facility is to the game park the easier it will be for you to catch all the fun on your safari trip and vice versa is true. 

So be kin on the proxy of the accommodation from the game park before you settle on it. The good news is there are some accommodations that are located in the game park so you can consider them. 

Services at the facility 

The services at the facility can make or break your safari, when considering an accommodation facility you should be sure their services are top notch or at least satisfactory to your liking because if you have poor service at the accommodation it can ruin your mood and you can end up not enjoying you safari as you would like to.  Service preference is relative for each person but the basic accommodation services include good condition rooms, good washrooms, water, power, room service, the food and other services.


Whereas there are many options for safari accommodations most of them are in remote areas, where you safety may not be guaranteed. So as you are scouting for a safari accommodation it’s important to consider how safe the accommodation is for your life and your property. This includes you being safe from animal attacks. 

Internet connection

As the world has evolved, internet is the now the universal way to stay connected to world and to communicate to others. So unless you are on a seclusion safari, you will need to consider checking into an accommodation with good internet connectivity so that you can stay connected to the rest of the world even on your safari. This literally means you are looking for an accommodation facility with good wifi. 


Especially if you don’t have a car to take you around on your safari, it’s important that you choose an accommodation with a transportation plan for you during your safari. Getting around the on your safari can be a hurdle because game parks are normally far from the city, so public means may not be available and I don’t think you want to be on your safari and hustle with figuring out how to get around; thus its best to find an accommodation facility with transportation vehicles available. This will really make your safari experience feel smoother. 

Complimentary services

If on your safari, you plan to have leisure time at your accommodation, it would be beneficial to you to consider accommodation with complementary services like relaxing lounge, football watching area, pool table, spa, swimming pool, cable TV and many more. These complimentary services will be things that will occupy you during your leisure time.

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